It is true that a dog has his fur and if he lives outdoors in the garden all year round and gradually becomes accustomed to changing weather, he does not need a suit. The problem arises recently when people have their cuddly pets at home. Especially in winter, when the temperature difference at home and outside is up to several tens of degrees. And it is already cold for the dog when it is taken out of the heated apartment by the owner.
[B] So the answer to your question is whether it's "fashion or functionality?", It's mainly the functionality, the need to protect the dog from chilling. And why not combine the pleasant with the useful. Even a boy can wear not only a functional but also a trendy and becoming costume. [/ B]
SanDog - Dog fashion for your beloved pet
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30. 11. 20
It is true that a dog has his fur and if he lives outdoors in the garden all year round and gradually becomes accustomed... more info
30. 11. 2020 /